I know exactly where I was and what I was doing 30 years ago. I was having my first baby at Martha Jefferson Hospital in Charlottesville, Virginia. I wouldn’t let my husband leave the room and had guaranteed I would hunt him down and kill him if he fainted, as he hinted he might. Smart guy, he stayed conscious.
How lucky we were that day — and for the next three decades. Our gorgeous 8-pound, 2-ounce baby has grown into a beautiful, warm, brilliant and caring young woman. She’s both my daughter and my friend, and I am so proud of her.
In fact, I would say she’s the most perfect child ever — but her younger brother is equally wonderful. My husband and I are so fortunate.
Happy 30th birthday, darlin’. I’ll be seeing you soon.
(Copyright 2012 by Ruth Pennebaker)
Read a related post on mothers and daughters
I have always believed the mother ought to get a gift on the child’s birthday. You deserve one for spending 30 years raising someone who sounds wonderful.
I’m honored. Thanks, Mom.
Isn’t it wonderful to see your kids grow up into cool people that you want to spend time with? My eldest is just 19, but it’s amazing to see him become his own person – and he’s a person that I love hanging out with. Happy birthday to your daughter, and happy birth day to you.
What your mother says goes for me as well. What a wonderful day that was. And what a wonderful one today is as well. Happy birthday.
Sorry I wasn’t able to make the gala in DC. I know it was fantastic!
It’s been fun seeing her emerge into the wonderful person she is. I’m sure her brother needs to accept his fair share of credit.
Your daughter’s favorite uncle.
You have a thirty-year-old daughter named Teal? Who knew? Congrats, Ruth, and what a wonderful little to your child on a milestone birthday.