

I wish I could write one of those narrow, focused blogs that everybody always says is the way to go – finding your niche, that is, so you can quickly build an audience and fame and fortune. Or something like that.

Instead, the Fabulous Geezersisters’ weblog is about politics, feminism, families, friendships, aging, health (with an emphasis on breast cancer, which I had 19 years ago, and Alzheimer’s, which my father was in the late stages of before his death four years ago). It’s also about what I find funny, what I find poignant, what’s currently pissing me off.

In a single week, for example, I’ve written about nude beaches, the now-impeached governor of Illinois, grief, my dislike of a particularly icky breast-cancer campaign, and my little problem of smuggling diet drinks into movie theaters so I won’t have to pay the $4 for them.

I’ve looked, but I fail to find a niche there.

Anyway, my sister and I were going to write the blog together, but she became too busy in her new work teaching English. So, it’s mostly me – Ruth Pennebaker, a 65-year-old writer who’s been married 42 years to a guy she still finds fascinating, even if she does want to clobber him now and then.

We live in a condo in downtown Austin in the hopes someone will think we’re cool. That hasn’t happened yet, but we refuse to move again. I’ve also written for radio, magazines and newspapers, and have published four novels. My only hobby is yoga, but I do read a lot.