Happy to be named one of the Huffington Post’s 7 Favorite Bloggers for Women Over 50. I am way over 50, but humbly accept nevertheless.
Happy to be named one of the Huffington Post’s 7 Favorite Bloggers for Women Over 50. I am way over 50, but humbly accept nevertheless.
How fabulous is that? Well deserved!
That’s so cool, Ruth! I’m thrilled for you but not the least bit surprised. The Huffington Post has great taste!
How fabulous! Well deserved! Congratulations!
Congratulations! You are awesome.
Looking at the other six, you are my first choice.
Congratulations! Huffington Post has brought me here to see what all of the fuss is about and I’m pleased to meet you.
Like Joanna Jenkins, I’m a bit late to the Huff/Post 50 party, but happy to meet you. Looking forward to reading more from you!
Congratulations, and pleased to make your acquaintance! Looking forward to getting to know you – as much as virtual knowing will allow.