So, in September, my husband and I gave a talk together about our experiences with breast cancer. It’s here.
When we were putting the talk together, he complained that I got all the great lines You know what? He was right. Mea culpa and all that.
(Copyright 2012 by Ruth Pennebaker)
Read one of my favorite posts about the decision to get scalped
I think you both did an awesome job with this. I like the way you shared the conversation and moved together through the transitions effortlessly. Good stuff! Hope you’re planning more like this. You make a good team.
You did have the best lines. The one I liked the best was, “My growing old is a privilege.” I think many people who have that privilege have dodged disasters while living a long life. But Jamie had some great insights. I felt I learned something when he explained that there are many ways of coping with trauma, on one right way. I’m glad to have watched both of you together.
Well done!
Of course I meant no right way.
Very moving. This would make a great resource for anyone just starting to deal with the initial diagnosis. Great job you two