All Right, I Admit It: I Don’t Like Dogs

I am feeling distinctly at a disadvantage these days.  For the second time in a row, I’ve met a new neighbor who’s introduced himself, then gone on to introduce me to his dogs.  Oh, please.  I can barely recall human beings’ names, much less animals’.  This is too much to ask.

I realize I’m probably just feeling defensive, though.  Our kids have fled the nest, so I can’t introduce them to anybody.  We only have a cat, Lefty, who never accompanies me anywhere.  No snappy introductions there (although our new vet, who makes house calls, decided he liked our cat when I told him the Lefty’s name reflected his feline politics when he went to the polling place vote).

Slowly, painfully, I’m making my way to a confession: I really don’t like dogs that much.

There.  Oh, God.  Now I’ve said it.  There’s nothing less American, less humane, less sympathetic than admitting you don’t particularly like Man’s Best Friend.  It marks you forever as someone who can’t appreciate unconditional love and loyalty, who didn’t worship Old Yeller, who objects to having her crotch sniffed and her leg humped.

What’s the rule I always hear?  Dogs and kids can tell if someone’s a good person; they can sniff out the loser, the infidel, the secretly snide and cruel, in a nanosecond.  They’re a character test that I’m sure I’ll always fail — even though I do retain a fondness for small children who belong to other people and aren’t sitting next to me in a high-priced restaurant screaming their lungs out and slinging their forks and knives in my direction.

But, dogs?  They’re fine, at a distance, when they’re not jumping up and licking me.  “Oh, don’t mind him!  He never bites!” the ever-cheerful dogowners always say when their big, snarling cur comes rushing up to me at a park.  (Oh, really?  That’s what every news article I’ve ever read about a marauding pit bull says.  “He never bit nobody before he took an arm-chunk outta Junior the other day.  But, hey!  Junior’s still got his other arm.”)

It all brings back memories of the summer my family and I spent in Costa Rica in 1993.  We lived with a family that had a pit bull named Mickey.  I walked around in High Alert mode, sure the dog was going to lunge at my kids and I’d be forced to make a Sophie’s Choice between them.  But Mickey continued along, peacefully enough, till a cat wandered into his territory in front of the house.  The next thing we knew, Mickey was strutting around the house with the cat’s lifeless, bloody carcass hanging from his enormous jaws.  it wasn’t the kind of occasion that encouraged trust or peace of mind.

But, I know, I know.  Most dogs aren’t pit bulls and they don’t kill or maim.  Big deal.  I can still do without them.  A few days ago, our new neighbor’s yappy little furballs came bounding onto our yard — onto our property, for God’s sake — barking at our cat.  I could hear our neighbor calling out to them in her similarly high-pitched voice, which never seems to do any good.  She thinks her creatures are so adorable, it never occurs to her they might get on others’ nerves.

Since I was watering the flowers in our front yard, I turned around to greet the yipping little invaders.  The blast of cold water in their faces sent them right back home.  I’m sure I’ll be punished someday for this nefarious act — by a Higher Power that cleverly disguises His leanings by spelling DOG backwards — but I didn’t care.  I loved the way they hightailed it back to their side of the street.

(Copyright 2008 by Ruth Pennebaker)

107 comments… add one
  • I love dogs, I hate clueless dog owners.

    We have a problem dog but it’s up to us to make sure he stays under control.

    Don’t get me started on dog owners in Austin…

    Sophie, who chooses dogs.

  • ruthpennebaker Link

    That’s the same way I feel about kids — like them, dislike their clueless parents. Don’t get ME started about people who bring screaming infants to movies …

  • Hi Ruth,

    Yours is a brave confession to make these days, but if it is of any solace to you, please know that you are definitely not alone. My family has had dogs in the past, but it is unlikely I will have one again. I don’t begrudge dog owners their preference in pets, and if their dog gives them satisfaction, then more power to them.
    Many dog owners don’t seem to realize that their choice to have a dog is not *my* choice. While their little (and not so little) dears are allowed to run rampant and leave their little (and not so little) calling cards in neighborhood yards and public spaces, it never seems to occur to them that not everyone is thrilled to have their dogs jumping on them, intruding onto their property, and otherwise yapping all night.
    Austin has a leash ordinance, but this is of course routinely ignored, and the brazen assumption seems to be “my dog is so wonderful, he would never do anything wrong and how could you not just love him?”
    I don’t. If this makes me a cur-mudgeon in the eyes of some, then so be it. I am not a mean-spirited person, but I don’t especially like dogs and I would prefer not to have those of others imposed on me. It’s really a simple issue of common courtesy in the end.

  • ruthpennebaker Link

    Amen. I’m just back from a fracas outside — the little yapping dogs were chasing a car, barking in their little high-pitched voices, being ineffectually yelled at by the high-pitched voice of their owner. I’d known dogs and owners were supposed to resemble one another, but hadn’t realized till recently that they sound alike, too.

  • Ohh, the unleashled dogs. See, now you got me started…

    Their dogs may be cuddly little sweetie pies. Mine is dog aggressive and when their little darlings come running up to him when he’s leashed, I have a big friggin’ scene on my hands.

    Like the time the happy-go-lucky setter came galloping up as I bent to clean up after Jack. Jack lunged, taking me with him, shit was flying everywhere…literally. I wanted to kill the dog’s owner, strolling 10 feet behind his pet, talking on a cell phone.

    It’s never the dog’s fault. My husband and I have invested a huge amount of money and energy in dog trainers and behaviorists. I know Jack’s limitations and issues. If anything bad happens to a free-range dog, it’s not our my fault nor his.

    Yeah, it is like kids. Even when they’re cute I’m not interested. I don’t play peek-a-boo through airplane seats. I’m reading, leave me alone.

  • Angela Link

    I like animals. Not all animals.  I like food, but not all food. Could you imagine if everyone loved dogs. Pretty idealistic huh? People are obviously not robots so they have their own preferences. Some people do not like dogs. And within that category, there are hundreds of different reasons for not liking dogs. 
    I am an outcast for my preferences. 
    I got married several years ago. My spouse has a small hyper dog which he bought for his adult-child 2 years before I met him. I was under the impression that when his adult-child moved out of the house at 20, that she would take his dog with her. She didn’t.
    I told my husband, when we first started dating that I do not like dogs. But I figured since he bought the dog for his adult-child, that both were ready to move out together.  I regret not getting clarity about who would be responsible in the long run for the dog , because I am stuck with a dog that I do not like.  I have a keen sense of smell and even if the dog has been washed it  smells bad to me. It is hyper and I am on the mellow side. It gives me anxiety. I have asked many people who love dogs if they want this dog (not that I would give it away because that would be the end of me, but just to see if I ‘could’ give it away). Most people ask what kind of dog it is, and of course and when I tell them, they say ‘No, way’. And keep in mind, those are dog lovers.
    When we go on vacation we ‘have to’ bring the dog. In which case, it is not a vacation for me. 
    My spouse will not give the dog away though I rarely see him really interact with him. He walks it maybe 2x a month and 4x a month if the dog is really lucky.  My husband is ‘on the road’  a majority of the time so he doesn’t have a lot of time for a pet. He told me that by marrying him I should walk the dog when he can’t, implying that the dog is like a little child that, that since I married him I should love and take care of it willingly. I tried walking it once, but it was so unenjoyable, that I quit.
    I said to my husband that he should  at least enjoy this dog because it is the last one I will have in my house. He said No, he has always had dogs so he will continue that. (Well, I have always had brothers but I don’t have my brothers living with us..I grew up with ‘always’ having a housecleaner, but I am now the one doing the housecleaning… so I don’t see the relevance in this ‘always’ argument, but I feel like my hands are tied I know I am considered un-American…. though, I didn’t realize that ‘not having ‘a vote’  in the matter is considered American!) 
    I know I could leave and that would solve the dog problem but even though it is tempting, it seems a bit extreme….

  • becca Link

    Right on sister, tell it like it is – I hate those dumb stinking animals and they scare me witless!  I have been told by people that I am heartless and cruel for hating dogs, however, what these people fail to realise is that not everyone appreciates their beloved pet as much as they do.

    I love trail running, but I can’t stand the dogs or the owners who seem to think that it should be me who should be stopping and disrupting my run so they may pass by with their foul hound!  Sweet Jesus it makes my blood boil, most of them never clean up after their disgusting animals.  they should have their noses rubbed in it – both the dogs and owners!

    I am glad that the chinese eat them!

  • heather Link

    wow i thought i was alone on this one. i dont realy like dogs. i never have. i mean i have grown up with dogs but i just find them dirty and anoying. currently my bf has one, and we live 2gether, he thinks im evil and that im a witch because i dont like mans best friend. im actually a very sweet person i just dont like dogs. this dog has already bit people, and it kills everything it sees runing. at first i was ok with the dog, but now im just not, im 100% agianst killing and things that kill. it discusts me to have to smell death on a dog, that everyone thinks is so cute. one last thing, i hate how they begg, !!!!! they act like theyr starving, its puthetic.

  • Michelle Link

    I don’t trust people that don’t like dogs.

    Their behavior is the responsiblity of the owner.  If a dog begs, it’s because the owner feeds him scraps from the table.  Ergo, it’s not the dog’s fault.    Much like children who have parents that didn’t teach them right from wrong, spend enough time with them, or simply encouraged bad behavior.  Whereas a child will eventually grow up and rationally choose for himself, a dog’s mentality is forever that of a child.

    To Heather: It’s “disgusts” not “discusts” and also, it’s  “pathetic” not “puthetic”.

  • Becca Link

    That is exactly the sort of comment that I expect from a dog owner. Btw do you realise the these gross hounds would end up in your dinner (stir fry probably)?!!

  • Becca Link

    If you lived in certain parts of the world???

  • K-J Link

    Thank you, Thank you, Thank you Ruth for having this Website. I am made to feel as though I’m from another planet for not liking dogs! Last night my four year old asked for a dog while playing with her stuffed puppy “Can I have a real dog mom?” No honey, mommy really doesn’t like dogs I answered. She said with the most puzzled,confused look on her face answered “YOU DON’T???” and then tried to convince me how wonderfule they are…I felt terrible and thought something was REALLY wrong with me. Good to know there are others that feel the same way as I feel! BTW I’m not sure how people(mainly Dog Lovers) immediatly compare Dogs with kids NOT THE SAME PEOPLE!  After all you used to be one!

  • K-J Link

    @ Michelle, You don’t trust people who don’t like dogs” ?  You don’t TRUST people who don’t want their crotch sniffed? You don’t TRUST people who are annoyed by LOUD barking dogs all during the day and night? You don’t TRUST people who don’t like the smell of urine passing on their property?? You don’t TRUST  people who don’t like the smell of a dog particularly when they have just killed??  What a thing to say! I do love animals IN THE WILD!! I think people who own animals and have to  lock them up in a cage
    while gone to work,  On a leash when “going for a walk”. Keep them in apartments, house, or confined in any kind of way is wrong! Animals should be totally free! But because you want to “own them” more and more were bred & now you have to fix them for human convenience! Maybe the dog SHOULD’NT TRUST YOU!!

  • Lane Link

    I can’t believe how you people are acting.  Dogs are the BEST thing ever that God created.  I am disabled and have a service dog.  My life would not be as independant without Merlot by my side.  Those of you who have a hatred of dogs are just cold hearted and I personally would not befriend a person like you.  Why don’t you just admit you have a FEAR of the dog, not hatred.  Isn’t that what hate is based on in the first place?

  • Whoa, that’s put the cat among the pigeons (as it were).

  • HorseOwnerof2 Link

    I dont’ really like dogs. They are  annoying and bark and they stink. And I hate people who consider them part of the family. They are dogs!! Not people!! It’s creepy when people dress them up and treat them better then some people are treated. Want a real pet? Get a horse!

  • Rebecca Link

    @ Lane
    “I can’t believe how you people are acting.  Dogs are the BEST thing ever that God created.”
    Um, no they are not. Just because “dog” is “god” spelled, it doesn’t mean crud.
    “I am disabled and have a service dog.  My life would not be as independant without Merlot by my side.”
    So you have a dog that actually does more that bark and crap all over the place? Good for you.
    “Those of you who have a hatred of dogs are just cold hearted and I personally would not befriend a person like you.”
    So, because I don’t like the same animal that you do, I’m cold-hearted? Has you ever thought that some people may have a deeper reasoning for not liking dogs like, oh I don’t know, a traumatic childhood experience? Or is you mind so narrow, that you can’t comprehend that?
    Personally, I wouldn’t want to befriend some close-minded, judgmental person like yourself either.
    “Why don’t you just admit you have a FEAR of the dog, not hatred.”
    A traumatic children experience  has left me with a fear of dogs. Is that a problem? Oh wait, it is a problem for you. According to you, anyone who dislike dogs are evil.
    “Isn’t that what hate is based on in the first place”
    No $#!T, Sherlock Holmes

  • CCC Link

    WORKING dogs (like guidedogs, service dogs, police dogs and sheep dogs) have a very important place in society.  That said, I don’t like dogs either.  I never have.  I grew up with many of them, never had a traumatic experience with one.  I just flat out don’t like them.  Yes, I’ll agree that the owners bear a lot of responsibility for dogs poor behavior, but I still don’t like even the well behaved ones.  They are not pleasing to everyone.   I’d never deny someone their right to own one, but sure wish they’d give me the courtesy to clean up after it and keep it out of my space.   Pets are NOT people too, and we’d all do well to remember that.

  • Inga Link

    I am a super clean person and my boyfriend had a dog that shed everywhere, and smelled bad, it’s a huge dog and I was just misrable with the thing jumping on my bed and clean bed sheets, I told him choose me or the dog and he said if I like him than I need to learn to tolerate the dog, but I just can’t stand the way they smell and everything about them, so like a week later I asked himagain is it going to be me or the dog, he said I am not giving up my dogn, so I got up packed my stuff and left, he didn’t try to stop me. I don’t understand how someone would choose a dog over a girlfriend? Dogs are considered an animal, not humans. Duhhh People.

  • Angela Link

    Hi Inga,
    I am also a trail runner and the only domesticated animal that I feel I should move off the trail for when passing are horses and that is just because they are bigger and they get spooked easily, poor critters.
    I think it is a blessing that you found this out before getting married, unlike me. He is obviously a dog person and dog people and non-dog people are not a good match. Just like cat people and non-cat people or a person who wants a child and one who doesn’t. Not match.
    So, in his defense I don’t think he should get rid of a dog for a girlfriend. That is what dating is for, to find out what you are compatible with and not. I think if he bought a dog while you two were married, and you never agreed, then yes, he should return it asap. In my relationship, my fault in it was that I assumed his adult-child would take her dog with her. I should have gotten more information before getting married and I may have realized that this would have been an impasse.  Count your blessings and next go around be sure to find someone on the same page. I am taking my own advise too 🙂

  • Milly Link

    I am so glad Ruth started this blog. I am not sure how I should be feeling after reading everyone’s posts.  I am not sure what I should do!?…
    I have been in a relationship for 2 years now, and I have to say that he is a great guy, but something that I do see us arguing about often is his dog. I am not an animal person and never will be one…
    He knows this, but I feel the tension between us… We are in the process of moving to a different house, so I told him that I would like to keep the dog outside during the day and bring him in night time, as a compromise to him. He put a fight at first, but I told him that was the only way I was going to be happy in our new home so, he understood.
    But the problem now is, I feel bad. I will never like this dog or any other dog. I love him, and because I love him I am trying to see if there is anything I can do to make the living with a dog situation process a better one? I do not want our arguments to be about a dog anymore… I am tired.
    Thank you for your time…

  • MKS Link

    Milly, honestly if you love him, you either need to accept the dog or leave your man.  I say this because if you really love him, you wouldn’t make him give up his dog for you.  That choice would not be fair to him.  You’d be like an evil step mother, and you don’t want that.  And I know all of you other people will say “a dog is not the same as person”, and so you feel disposing of a dog isn’t a big deal.  But people who love their dogs consider them members of their family.  And if you can’t handle that, then you don’t really love your boyfriend who he IS, but rather what you want him to BE.  So if you really love him, and just can’t handle the dog, then you need to let your boyfriend find someone else that loves him (and his dog!) for who they are, and not what you want them to be.  And that applies to people everywhere with various quirks!  The only thing you can change about a man is his clothes.  Otherwise, you have to love them for who they are, dog loving or not. 

  • MKS Link

    Let me also just add that on some level, he will always resent you for having made him give up the dog (or make the dog stay outside or whatever).  Yes, he obviously loves you because he was willing to make the dog stay outside, but in the future, he won’t forget this.  And if fact, he’ll be saying, “what did she give up for me?”  The other possibility is he has no self respect, and really will let you run all over him.  In that case, he’s choosing to allow this.  But it doesn’t sound like he’s happy with the situation, especially if you guys are still fighting about it.  Angela is right, see her comments.

  • Angela Link

    Hi Milly,
    Regarding MKS’s email to you…
    Like you I cannot live with dogs. My (ex) husband had one that he didn’t take very good care of BTW. I never grew up with, or was around dogs so I thought I could handle it though it made me very anxious, especially since it was a nervous, shaky Jack Russell.
    Things are so much better now that I am divorced. We split for reasons other than his dog… Now, when I date again one day, it will be from a much greater level of awareness. I will not date anyone with a dog. Just as I will not date anyone in certain geographic areas. Just simple choices but choices that have a profound effect on one’s peace and happiness.
    Look at it as a learning experience. You learned more about yourself and about how to take care of yourself. There is someone more compatible. He is not bad for loving dogs and you are not bad for desiring to live a pet-free existence.
    However, if you had health complications due to a pet then I would come over and whoop his A–.
    Hope this helps a little.

  • Milly Link

    MKS, Thank you for your advice… But know that,
    I did not ask my boyfriend to choose between the dog and me. I completely understand that he likes dogs and love his dogs, but there is such thing as compromise. I know what it is to have a dog, we have a family dog, which she is a Lab. I do love her, but she is a very clean dog. His dog is not!!!
    In my opinion if someone truly loves you as a person, lover, friend there needs  to be compromise in order for any relationship to work, because we all have different views.
    So, that said my suggestion was to leave the dog out door during the day and during the night bring him indoors. He is a very dirty dog, he is always puking every where… as a matter of fact, I just hear him puking right now, Great!!!
    I want to have children with my boyfriend, but will not have any if this dog is around. He is not a kid friendly dog, and I would not trust him around our children.
    I strongly agree, that no dogs or any other kind of pets should destroy a healthy relationship.  I am not going to leave him, because of his dog, we will just talk about it and get into an agreement where we are both happy, but you do not run from the problem.
    And because I love him and he loves me, we will come to a mutual understanding.
    Thank you for your time.
    Great Day…

  • K-J Link

    This is to ANY grown person who has neighbors and just HAS to HAVE a big dog. Please I Am BEGGING YOU to live in the country where they CANNOT disturb the peace! It is YOUR CHOICE to have the animal NOT MINE .  Everyone should be able to have peaceful sleep or be able to socialize in or outside their home  ANY time during the day or night and not have  to listen to your dogs LOUD barking!! Just like LOUD music in most states YOU ARE BREAKING AN ORDINANCE!! (Look up the number in your town) So you ARE breaking the LAW!  No matter how much you keep them inside your house they eventually have to come out and that’s when the disturbance begin, so please just because you may have gotten by with  LOUD animals before doesn’t make it okay to continue. Some people call themselves being good neighbors and may not say much or nothing at all but the truth is YOUR “CHOICE” does distract people and it’s unfair to the rest of us really good folks! If you don’t move immediatly at least TALK to your neighbors and ask!
    Not sure why people think their dogs don’t disturb the peace..

  • JBV Link

    I don’t really like dogs either but I have nothing against them. I think they deserve to be here just like any other creature and I will even interact with some as long as the animal isn’t being annoying but that is as far as it goes. I don’t want to walk one, I don’t want to groom one, or clean up after one and I definitely do not want a dog in my house. Other than I think they are fine pets for people who they are right for. I just wish that dog owners wouldn’t be so oblivious to other the other people around them.

  • meme Link

    I thought I was alone too! I rescued a very sweet dog because I thought I could like dogs. I wanted to like dogs. I never really had a dog and they seemd really nice to be around when they were my freinds dogs and whatnot. So I got this dog, and I feel like such a peice of junk because I hate it. It does stuff wrong sometimes, but nothing really really bad. But, I hate having it in my house, takin it to the vet to get de-wormed, wining in the kennel… just generally everything about this dog annoyed me– for no reason. It doesnt make me a bad person, Im a very loving person. I have a cat who everyone loves- and no one saw the cat anymore because of the dog and if you did she hissed and growled because she was scared. I love animals… I love my cat… Im just not a dog person, and I think its poor of people to get down on people who dont like dogs. ITS NOT THAT BIG OF DEAL. I dont like eating chicken on the bone either… so I really must be a bad egg… Oh and not all dog owners dont pick up the pooh… but the few that dont really give all dog owners a bad name

  • Katie Link

    I don’t clean up after my dogs.  In fact, I think their pooh is actually good for the earth.  I feed them premium dog food, and what they don’t digest becomes fertilizer.  It’s all of part the life cycle and maintaining a good ecosystem. 

  • K-J Link

    Problems problems. Okay friends I need your help. 1).Neighbors have 3 Great Daines they love very much but BARK VERY LOUD. 2).Owners let them out at ALL hours including very late & early am. waking up me and the family. 3). The owner is a policeman. Any suggestions on how to restore the quiet and keep the peace?? Please Please Please I need your help in this hell these OWNERS have created!!

  • Katie Link

    K-J, Have you tried politely addressing the issue with your neighbors?  Maybe try being friendly with them, and then letting them know it bothers you.

  • K-J Link

    @ Katie- Absoultly I was friendly, I was looking forward to meeting my new neighbors, I even had baked pumkin bread (which I couldn’t give to them because I never got so much as a wave back, acknowledgment or glimpse and left just standing there with my hand in the air, feeling like a jackass.) Last summer I was finally able to talk to the wife about the situation & she seemed very nice, I actually believed things would ease up and it did get a  little better for a short time and then the same sh*% happened again.  Animals out at ALL hours  and because they are Great Daines they are just naturally loud x’s 3 remind you !  These folks had these 2 grown rescue Great Daines in an APARTMENT! It just shows they really don’t care about people and feel they can do what the heck they want WHENEVER they want without any respect for their neighbors around them or respect for the noise ordinance! Shame on them an officer of the law BREAKING THE LAW!! 
    I welcome anymore suggetions…Please I need my the PEACE restored in our neighborhood!

  • Happened across this particular post by accident and had to click through. I knew I loved you, Ruth!

  • Katie Link

    K-J, my only recommendation to you now, MOVE!

  • K-J Link

    but who would want to buy a house next 3 LOUD barking Great Daines? Would you? Doubt it!

  • K-J Link

    And what if it happens again in the next nieghborhood I move to? Do I just keep up- rooting my family because of some persons LOUD animals? No, I’m asking for some type of intelligent resolution. It’s a shame that someone would tell me to move and allow others just to keep breaking the noise ordinance particualarly an officer of  the Law!  I haven’t done anything wrong! If  I had several roosters in your neighborhood that crowed a lot you would be furious! And rightfully so, but I would not do that because I know it bothers ppl. Besides it is AGAINST THE LAW  to have loud animals and birds that disturb the peace. Do you really think he  should  have come into a quiet neighborhood with such a close proximity with so many LOUD animals? Come on, I know your smarter than that.  Here is how it is  They had a choice they came moved next to me a couple of years ago. They  could have moved to the country where the animals wouldn’t bother anyone, but no they CHOSE to move into what once was a quiet neighborhood and disturb the peace because they know they can get by with it! What a shame!! If you are a home owner  or any type of thinking person  you could understand this matter. Please all I want peace in our neighborhood again! Any intelligent resolutions are welcome…

  • Briel Link

    I don’t think I’ve been quite so horrified at a group of people in a long, long time. Selfish, self-absorbed, and afraid.
    A dog loves you. And that’s quite enough to be determined a “useful” species.

  • K-J Link

    I’m just wondering what’s idiotic about not wanting to be disturbed by LOUD BARKING DOGS AT ANY GIVEN HOUR? You spoke about horrified. I am living a nightmare without proper sleep and the sleeping patterns of my family have been disrupted significantly! Do you know how it feels living a life without good sleep? It is totally insane that you think it’s selfish and self-absorbed  not to really like dogs. Remember NotAll dogs give joy. And  in my situation this has changed the peace and  serenity of our neighborhood and family.
    It’s idiotic to think that everyone should ignore  the problems that dogs and there owners cause!

  • Amy Link

    I think many of you are making generalizations about dogs and that isn’t entirely fair. You’re just assuming that all dogs constantly bark in the middle of the night, hump everything in sight, and bite every person they come across. Those things may be true for some dogs, but not all of them are terrible. I had a dog from first grade until I was a junior in college and she was the best dog anyone could ever ask for. Just because some dogs are annoying doesn’t mean you should hate them all. Some people are also very annoying, does that mean you hate all people? No. So why can’t the same thing apply to dogs instead of just hating every single one that you encounter. I don’t understand how someone could hate a dog that would love you unconditionally if you would give it a chance.

  • K-J Link

    It’s owners like you is the reason that neighborhoods are disturbed by LOUD barking dogs, because every dog owner thinks there dog is the ‘best’ and EVERYONE should love em just as much as the owner does, so no matter what they do you should just accept it. Dogs are Dogs! They bark. They sniff crotches. They poop in the yard and it stinks. If they like you they lick you.. ick!! The list goes on.. & those are facts not a generalization. What is wrong with not liking that? I think it’s weird ppl think it’s cute because ‘the dog  loves you, so look over it!  I once had a guy who loved me unconditionally and I thought that was nice, but he annoyed the heck out of me and I am so glad he lives somewhere far away.  Do you understand that analogy? Personally, I don’t hate animals, I think that’s upsurd, but I don’t want to be  forced by ‘dog lovers’ to think the problems dogs (3 Enormous dogs in my case) & their owners cause is okay.  If you have a LOUD animal of any kind please move where it won’t be a nuisance to your neighbors. Please wake up and be respectful.

  • Mel Link

    Wow, I can’t believe I stumbled across this page.  I did a google search…”are there people who don’t like dogs?”   I dislike dogs very much but feel in the minority as most of you do.  My primary objection to dogs is that people like them so much!  Have you seen the poster and tv advertisement featuring a starving child asking, “Would you love me more if I was a dog?” 

  • Mel Link

    Hi again, I sent the previous post inadvertently.  I intended to add that I dislike dog hair on clothing and furniture, I dislike the smell of dogs, I absolutely hate dog “kisses”, and I resent having to pick up after one when I didn’t want it in the first place. 

    My husband just got a puppy that he thinks is adorable.  I agree it is adorable, but I still dislike it intensely.  I simply do not like dogs, for no special reasons other than those I have mentioned.   I am angry and resentful that he got this dog when I have reiterated again and again that I DO NOT like dogs.   

    I had a beagle for 15 years while my daughters were growing up;  they loved him very much and I tolerated him for their sake and loved him in a way.   I was sad when he died but honestly, not sorry to be done with dog hair and barking and licking. 

    I once thought I did not like cats either, but we were given one to care for and I fell in love with it.  She minds her own business more or less, lol, and isn’t always underfoot.  

  • DC Link

    Mel, I aree with you that ‘Wow, can’t believe I stumbled across this page’.  To sum it up as I arrive to my new job I am greeted by a dog in the office. ‘Your kidding me, right?’  As the weeks have progressed the dog is surprisingly quite ill-mannered, barks at visitors and bit at one person as well.  I’m new and won’t make waves – and have already been advised to buy doggy treats to stay on the dogs ‘good side’.  My allergic reactions and hygienic concerns are off the chart — with any luck I’m moving away from the office by next month.  Picture this – small (very warm temperatured) office,  eating salad at desk – dog comes in from his walk – he’s between my desk & the oscillating fan & there, in all his glory he shakes & shakes every hair he has is swinging & the fan helps all of the loveliness travel through the air.  Clearly, lunch is over.  One day as I quickly walked to the printer – he jumped and barked at me.  The co-worker explained that I must have awoken him.  Unbelievable.  Another day I was the only person in the main office and he stood at my desk & barked and barked at me.  As he was between me and the walking area I was afraid to leave my desk for fear that he may bite me — his owner said he was in need of going out . . . “You’re kidding me, right?”

  • Mel Link

    DC, Best of luck in finding a new work situation!  I do believe that even most dog lovers would think that keeping this particular dog in your office is not at all reasonable.   It sounds untrained and I can’t  imagine a business owner keeping an animal that visitors could fear.    I also can’t imagine that taking care of a dog is in your job description at the office.  I’m with you…”You’re kidding me, right?”

    My  husband and I are having continuing discussions about our dog but at this point I would not want him to give it up because then I know he would resent me!  I was SO looking forward to clean floors and no creatures underfoot.  We had always talked about how we looked forward to it being just the two of us after our children were on their own…which is coming soon.   I had no idea that “just the two of us” did not mean just the two of us…it meant the two of us and a dog. haha

  • GT Link

    DC your comments made me laugh especially the part about not being able to leave your desk in fear of being bitten.  Sad but funny at the same time.  

    As for me I dislike the trend of dogs being treated better than most human beings. 
    A dog is basically a retarded wolf.
    That’s the sum of it.  A dog raised in a domestic setting is stuck permanently in the mind of a puppy.   It will never need to be taught how to bring down an elk or go for a trapper’s bollocks; all its food will be handed to it and it will spend all its time dozing, rolling around playing with the other puppies and occasionally doing tricks for Beggin’ Strips. Humans rob a once-proud beast of its pubescence.  Dogs, slaves to a life of human caresses.

  • Judy Link

    Thank you so much for writing this!  I just spent 2 days with a possible new boyfriend, who came to visit me and BROUGHT HIS DOGS WITH HIM.  (I had not invited the dogs).  What a shame… great guy, same politics (left), same religion (none), same values, love cooking, travel, reading and writing.  And his dogs sleep with him.  One of them (the Chiwoya, crimany I can’t even spell it) bit me when I petted it and he said, “yeah, she’s a bitch! ha-ha”.  I don’t like dogs.  Don’t like him now either.   They poop in my yard, they lunge at me, they frighten me, they stink, they lick their ass and then lick my face.  Thanks again for a place to vent!

  • Stefanie Link

    I do not respect people who don’t like dogs. The reason being…
    People that don’t like dogs are uptight. Just because a dog stinks, or barks loud, or other people’s dogs get on  your nerves, is NOT a reason to hate ALL dogs. Just like it’s not ok to hate all children because they are children, or all people because of race or religion. Each dog is individually different, and after working with dogs for 10 + years I can honestly say that there is a dog out there for everyone.
      You all sound like children: “I don’t like broccoli so I don’t want to eat it! And I don’t like the smell and I don’t care if it’s good for me!”
      Why don’t you try something out before you complain about it? Foster a dog, you will fall in love in less than 2 weeks, unless you’re some kind of a sociopath or something.
      Someone who will get seriously pissed about a dog pooping in their yard will get pissed about anything: a long line at the bank, heavy traffic, and overcrowded mall etc…Ironically, these highly stressed and easily paranoid people are EXACTLY the type that would benefit from having a dog in the first place.
      So all of you whiners, get a dog and show all of us IRRESPONSIBLE pet owners how it’s done!

  • Judy Link

    Stefanie, I see the words “don’t like”, not hate on this site.  Big difference.  I don’t “hate” dogs, but I don’t like the dogs my friends and neighbors force on me.    When I invite people to dinner or parties, I did not mean for them to bring their untrained dogs.   I also have had dogs – several as a child on the farm and two as an adult.  The 2nd I took to obedience training so “I” could be trained on how better to care for my dog.  I cried for a year after he died.  My neighbors have dogs who bark NONSTOP for as much as 6 hours at a time disrupting my sleep or study time and calls to police, letters to them, at first nicely asking them to care for their dogs better was to no avail.  I was forced to move.  Other “friends” bring their dogs to parties – the last was  a wedding shower and 2 dogs, year-olds disrupted the whole party and the one guest could not go outside cuz of jumping dogs.  She was frightened because she was pregnant.  If you will reread what I wrote earlier i also mentioned being bitten by a man’s dogs who I was dating who only said “ha-ha, she’s a bitch alright”.  Several dogs, at least 4 (I’ve counted) use my yard for a toilet.  If I was to bring children or cats, (or rats or other pets) to your  home and let them shit in your yard, bite you, attack you, you would call the cops and I’d be in trouble, but if it is your dogs, for some reason it’s okay.  I also have a friend and a son with a dog I adore who is well trained and joy to be with.  This is not the norm.  Obviously you have NO RESPECT for people who do not own dogs and insist on foisting them onto the rest of us to care for, listen, pick up shit after.  People are respectful to others, not because they deserve respect, but you are a person who treats others with respect.  Most dog owners don’t do that.

  • K-J Link

    Well said Judy!     Stefanie your logic is TWISTED!!!  It really is STRANGE  that people don’t trust or respect others that don’t like dogs. Does that mean you DO respect everyone that ownes and loves a dog? Why is it when someone is a dog lover they are looked at like they are more ‘worthy’ or ‘better’ types of people? How did that happen? Some of the worse people in the world are dog owners.  News flash: Hitler, members of the KKK, dishonest Law Enforcement, Gang members, Parents who don’t even pay attention or support to their own children  has owned & loved a dog along with many other terrible people.  Those of us who don’t like dogs are not all uptight, highly stressed, paranoid or bad people, just like every dog owner is not a terrible person.  So please get off your self righteous high horse (dog in your case) and stop passing judgment on people who  simply have different points of views than yours.
     If you don’t like a certain type of food you tend to stay away from it & get your nutrients in something else. If you don’t like the smell of something you clean it up or tend to get away from it. And Stefanie if the smell of stinking crap in the yard is something that DOESN’T bother you, all I can say to that is (laughing) Is honey you need help!
    You recommend people who really don’t like dogs to spend time with a dog? Bad bad bad advice! If you don’t really like a dog you should do the dog a favor and just  leave it alone. And dog owners should not subject your dogs Loud Barking, Stinking Smell, or Nasty Dog Crap on Anyone. Please be respectful!

  • Angela Link

    HELP!  I went on a date recently with a man that I have chemistry with. Yay. But he has a dog and I told him on our first date that I am uncomfortable around dogs. He said  “don’t worry, EVERYONE loves Pluto!”  So, I thought, this must be the exception and I went to his house for dinner with an open mind and heart. HAHA! Ya right, guess I am not EVERYONE. No connection with this dog and it weighs a lot more than I do (Its a Mastif (sp) ). It kept bumping up against me and I had to brace myself from being pushed over, and my black clothing was covered with dog hair by the end of the evening. It is a giant dog with GIANT bad breath which made me want to gag.  Now I have a wall that is growing toward this man. He LOVES his dog which is a good thing. But I don’t even like being around the dog. Last time it shook his head and all the drool around his mouth flung all over my bare legs (I was in shorts).
    I am ready to call this relationship off. I gave it a chance, but I will not say it is the dog or me. That isn’t fair to him. I think I should let him find a similar minded dog living person. And BTW, he told me that the dog sleeps in his bed with him sometimes. Is this supposed to fill me with admiration or repulsion ???
    Any thoughts on this?

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