Since I have recently become crassly and shamelessly self-promoting, I have probably mentioned several times that the Fabulous Geezersisters blog is one of five finalists for Best Writing in a Weblog in the 2011 Bloggie Awards. These awards, which are in their 11th year, are a very big deal for bloggers.
Here’s how you vote:
1) Go to the Bloggie website.
2) Scroll down and check the dot next to the blog you want to vote for in each category.
3) At the bottom, enter your email address and fill out the CAPTCHA box.
4) When you receive the email verification, click it.
5) Don’t procrastinate, since you can only vote till 10 pm Sunday, February 20.
Naturally, I’m dying to win and, lacking all dignity, urge/beg/plead with you to vote for me. Still, I want to be fair about this (or at least give the appearance of it) and did check my competitors in Best Writing and the finalists in other categories. Have to tell you, these people are good.
In Best Writing, I’m up against The Bloggess (irreverent, funny as hell and — not unrelated — a fellow Texan); Hyperbole and a Half (funny, creative, beautifully illustrated); Mommy Wants Vodka (funny and outrageous); and The Pioneer Woman (this woman does everything and does it well: cooks, homeschools, photographs, lives on a ranch).
It’s heady, intimidating company to be in and I’m honored to be a finalist with them. But I still want to win, so if you don’t think you have to vote for me, forget it.
In other categories, here are my thoughts and observations:
Best Asian: I really like both Saudiwoman’s Weblog, which is well-written, informative, and comes from a point of view we hear from too rarely, and Bangkok Reality Smackdown, which is fresh and funny.
Best Australian or New Zealand: It’s hard to describe the fascinating, ever-shifting world of The Frugal Kiwi and do it justice. Let me just say it’s witty, full-on quirky, ingenious, and wonderfully creative — and you should vote for it immediately.
Best European: Lost in Cheeseland is a wonderful new find for me; funny and enchanting.
Best Travel: Two of my best Internet friends — Donna Hull of My Itchy Travel Feet and Barbara Weibel of Hole in the Donut — are finalists in this category. Both are great at what they do — energetic, enthusiastic and accomplished. Please vote for one of them.
Best Crafts: Just Something I Made sports an incredible scarf made from used T-shirts; I’m so impressed, I’m voting for her.
Best Music: Music Road, by Kerry Dexter is a truly excellent venue for music and cultural history.
Best Entertainment: Reel Life With Jane is a smart, straightforward, excellent resource for pop culture that I always turn to when I want to seek out entertainment.
I do advise you to look through all the Bloggies finalists. Reading them is like entering a slew of new and colorful worlds. Most of them remind me that I spend most of my time breaking the basic blog rules, since I lack a niche and I only manage one photo every six months or so, before I collapse into an unattractive heap.
But, oh well, so what? I still want you to vote for me.
(Copyright 2011 by Ruth Pennebaker)
Even though I’m not a finalist for Best Humorous Blog, I think I’m funny sometimes. See Just for Today, I am Pat Robertson and Shut Up, She Explained
Thanks for all these suggestions. I will certainly vote for your blog. And, there’s nothing wrong with self-promotion. Seems to be required in today’s world, don’t you think?
I discovered so many great blogs by browsing through the nominations. Congrats on being nominated! I hope you win!
I am pulling for you, Ruth – good luck. You deserve the gold crown.
Thanks for the shout-out, Ruth! I’m in SUCH good company and having a blast reading all the Bloggie nominee blogs.
I agree with you, Ruth. Pioneer Woman is amazing. How does she do it all so well? Thanks for mentioning My Itchy Travel Feet in the travel category. Hole in the Donut is another great travel choice. I’m honored to be included with her fine blog. Good luck to you in the Best Writing category. Your deserve to be there. Here’s one vote for you.
You definitely enjoy the nomination. I hope you win too!
I’m happy to vote for you for best writer and I love it that you introduced me to so many cool blogs. Or on second thought maybe I hate it because now I’ll spend even more time reading on the computer, which cuts into my reading books time. But what’s up with Pioneer Woman? – seems like she was nominated in almost every category.
Thank you so much for the kind words! I think self-promotion is the way to go, although that could just be because I’ve been doing so much of it myself recently.
Good luck to you! I hope we both win! 🙂
Voted. I hope you win girlfriend!!
You are funny MOST times. Am off to vote, of course! Yes, you are in excellent company, but I’d vote for you any day.
No niche? Are you crazy?? You’re at the top of the heap in the “life blog” category, my friend.