Hope you enjoy my latest Urban Cowgirl
column. It’s about moving, since I can’t seem to think about much else these days. Maybe if someone else would unpack the boxes, I could truly move on.
For a related post, see Drop that Drill, Cowboy!
Hope you enjoy my latest Urban Cowgirl
column. It’s about moving, since I can’t seem to think about much else these days. Maybe if someone else would unpack the boxes, I could truly move on.
For a related post, see Drop that Drill, Cowboy!
Stirring observations. Well conceived. But personally, damned scary to me. As I sit on the fence of sixty, I still feel my next move will be my only and final move– plot #65, bought with me in mind, way back in the early 1050’s.
Typo — 1950’s not 1050’s. Stiffening fingers and wavering eyesight can be burdens.