My blog just got a big honor by being named one of five finalists for the 11th annual Bloggies in the Best Writing of a Weblog category.
You can vote here after scrolling down about three-quarters of the way. So can your family and friends.
I don’t want to sound unattractively desperate, but this is a very big deal. I’d love your support.
Where do we vote?
Never mind…..the link did not show up on my page. got it now.
Congrats. Ballot cast!
I can’t find the voting place?
You have to scroll down about three-quarters of the way to find the category of Best Writing in a Weblog.
I’m so excited about your nomination and all the good things it will bring to you. But I’m even more excited for all the lucky people who will be introduced to your wonderful writing just because they were poking around at the Bloggies and discovered the Geezer Sisters. Trust me, everyone who comes here will vote for you. You are the best.
I found it, but when I clicked on the icon for your blog, it just sent me to your blog. Boy, guess they are trying to cut down on voters for this thing!
You have to check the box next to the icon.
I am so VERY happy that you’re a finalist. Congratulations. It’s much deserved and hope you win … and win big.
I’ve already voted for you.
congrats and i’m not surprised. you’re an awesome writer, ruth.