3 comments… add one
  • Winston Link

    Well, you could have claimed you got your black eye because you were schlepping around NYC with Laura’s book in plain view and saved the “fencing incident” for a future escapade.
    Catchy new title for your upcoming novel.  Sounds as if it might hold the explanation as to why all those bras were burned in the 1970’s.

  • Well-Can’t wait to read your new book. I am sure I will enjoy it as I can truly relate. I have had many “nervous breakthroughs” in my life and have written about it too.
    When I saw the title I wondered if you had read my blog? http://www.themiddlewayhealth.com/blog/?p=31 That is an article I wrote a couple of years ago and since have posted as a blog. The title is Nervous Breakthroughs: The Pleasure of Sadness.

  • Love the title, and I can’t wait to read it.

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